
Source encoding

The source encoding is UTF-8.


# This is a comment



Name Description
List ( ... )
Number Positive and negative 64-bit integers
Symbol 16-character string
Character A ^-prefixed printable character
T Stands for true
NIL The empty list, also stands for false
_ Wildcard, used as a placeholder during deconstruction


Symbols are bound to values. Undefined symbols are unbound and resolve to NIL. Symbols can be created or altered globally using the def and setq functions. Symbols can also be defined locally using the let function.


The grammar supports the string type. Represented as a "-delimited string of characters, it is internally stored as a list of characters. For example:

: "hello"
> (^h ^e ^l ^l ^o)

Expression evaluation

Generic rules


Expression take the following form: (FUNCTION ARGS ...). The FUNCTION can be:

  1. A symbol that must resolve to a function definition
  2. A quoted function definition
  3. A lambda definition

The forms 1, 2, and 3 are mutually interchangeable:

: (def add (a b) (+ a b))
> ((a b) NIL (+ a b))
: (add 1 2) # Form 1
> 3
: ('((a b) NIL (+ a b)) 1 2) # Form 2
> 3
: ((\ (a b) (+ a b)) 1 2) # Form 3
> 3


Functions are represented internally as the following 3-uple:


The ARGUMENTS element is a list of symbols representing the arguments of the functions. The CLOSURE element is an association list that contains the context of the function at the definition site. Lastly, the BODY element is the expression of the function. When defined through plugins, the body may also be a number representing the memory address of the native implementation of the function.


The BINDINGS list may be one of these form:


Lambda functions are defined using the \ keyword. Invocation of \ is similar to def:

: ((\ (x y) (+ x y)) 1 1)
> 2
: ((\ (x) (map (\ (n) (+ n 1)) x)) '(1 2 3 4))
> (2 3 4 5)

The closure available at the time a lambda is defined is placed in its signature. This is the lambda's define-site closure. When the lambda is called, its closure is extended with the environment available where the call is performed. This is the lambda's call-site closure.


Minima.l supports currying. It uses the function's closure to store the curried arguments. Curryring is available to all lisp and native functions. For example:

: (def add (a b) (+ a b))
> ((a b) NIL (+ a b))
: (setq +1 (add 1))
> ((b) ((a . 1)) (+ a b))
: (+1 2)
> 3


A function defined using def can be recursive. When functions are defined, symbols with their names are not resolved in their closure and are resolved dynamically in the symbol domain instead.

A lambda defined using let can also be recursive. Similarly as above, the recursive calls are resolved dynamically. However, the resolution process first looks into the define-site closure of the lambda, then its call-site closure, and finally in the symbol domain.

There is a caveat however: since the function symbols are resolved dynamically, redefining these symbols will lead to undefined behavior. For instance, the following is a valid recursive lambda and returns 0:

(let ((fn . (\ (A) (if (= A 0) 0 (fn (- A 1))))))
  (fn 10))

However, the following is not and returns 10:

(let ((fn . (\ (A) (+ A 1))))
  (let ((fn . (\ (A) (unless (= A 0) (fn (- A 1))))))
    (fn 10)))

Tail-call optimization

When functions are defined with def or \ in let, the function's body is scanned for potential tail calls. During evaluation, when a tail call is encountered, its argument are evaluated at its call-site and returned to the parent. These arguments are then used at the root of the function in a new application of that function, executed in a tight loop.

Value deconstruction

Assignation of arguments in def, lamda, or let functions support deconstruction. For instance, with def:

: (def sum3 ((a b c)) (+ (+ a b) c))
> sum3
: (sum3 (list 1 2 3))
> 6

Or with a lambda:

: (setq data '(("hello" . 1) ("world" . 2)))
> (("hello" . 1) ("world" . 2))
: (foldl (\ (acc (_ . v))(+ acc v)) 0 data)
> 3

Global variables


When mnml is executed as a #! interpreter, the ARGV global contains the argument vector of the script.


The CONFIG global contains the current runtime of the interpreter. It contains the installation PREFIX, the interpreter VERSION, its build timestamp BUILD_TS, and the name COMPNAME and version COMPVER of the compiler used to build it.


The ENV global contains the environment at the time of the invocation of the interpreter.